Achievable Survival Strategies for Teachers: Avoiding End of Year Burnout classroom community classroom management teacher tips

The end of the school year is in sight, but there are still a number of weeks (and more than a few lessons) to get through before you clock out for a well-deserved break.

What if you could end the school year feeling calm, refreshed, and ready to enjoy your summer instead of burned out and...

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Three Reasons SEL is Applauded and Appreciated in the Classroom early development heart centered classroom social emotional learning

SEL – social-emotional learning – is one of the most important components of a successful elementary school classroom. 

Teachers who prioritize SEL, and understand why it matters, will set their students up for more success both inside and outside of school. Classrooms that...

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How to Teach Problem-Solving Skills to Elementary Students character education elementary classroom elementary teacher teacher tips

Great teachers are creative problem solvers. 

And helping your students become efficient problem solvers is one of the greatest skills you can teach them.

Young students who master problem-solving skills early in life are more likely to find academic, social, and emotional success in the...

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When is the Best Time to Address Classroom Behavior? behavior management classroom expectations classroom management heart centered classroom

Learning how to confidently handle behavior in your classroom is one of the most important skills a teacher can develop.

Behavior challenges – not following directions , using unkind words and language, work refusal – can keep your entire class from learning,...

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