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Is it time for a classroom refresh?

If you've been feeling more than a little overwhelmed lately…you're in the right place. Y
ou're just 2 days away from feeling a sense of joy, ease, and fulfillment each time you walk into your classroom.

I'm ready!

It might be time to hit the reset button on your classroom systems if... 

You’re spending way too much time putting out fires. You’re running around the room trying to solve problems as they pop up.

You never get a minute during the day to stop and breathe. There’s always something to do. From sorting through papers to helping students find supplies, you’re always on the go.

You can’t put your finger on exactly why, but you haven’t been looking forward to coming to school lately. (There was a time when you loved your job! But lately, it’s felt more chaotic than fulfilling.)

Walking into your classroom in the morning, you’re filled with a sense of pressure thanks to your never-ending to-do list.

If you’re nodding your head and thinking about how completely relatable this is… it could be time for a classroom makeover!

No, you don’t need to go buy cans of paint and start completely overhauling the whole thing! (In fact, you could have a classroom that feels much more aligned with just a few simple tweaks.)

I need this!

You know the feeling when things have gotten just a little bit out of control?

At home, it can be pretty obvious when systems have gotten out of control. Maybe you’re behind on laundry and need to clean out that one overflowing closet. It becomes a little harder to function inside of your house. That feeling of dread, pressure, and lingering to-do list weighs on us. 
This scenario plays out in the same way inside our classrooms. (Your classroom is kind of like your second home!)

And it's so important to notice when things need to be reset in your classroom because…

Your classroom is a reflection of you.

Your classroom is a reflection of your students.

Your classroom is the physical manifestation of the community you’re building within those four walls.

If your classroom has been feeling a little less than calming lately, it’s probably because your classroom is not a reflection of the kind of environment you want to cultivate.

When our goals for ourselves, our students, and our classroom community are aligned with the way our classroom looks, runs, and feels… something magical happens.

What parts of the classroom can be refreshed to create a more calm and joyful school day?


You and your students are able to easily settle into different spaces throughout the room for different types of learning experiences.

You and your students have set routines and norms around the different physical areas of the room, making it easy to know exactly what is expected in each area of the classroom.

When the physical space in your classroom needs a makeover, it can be hard to ignore. Maybe you’re a new teacher with an empty room, or you’ve been teaching so long that you’re not even sure what’s in the back of that one closet.

Hitting the reset button on the physical space in your classroom can do wonders for the way you and your students can function within the space.

(This doesn’t have to cost money, by the way! There are a few simple shifts that can make all the difference.)


Your students can easily find what they need throughout the school day without asking for help.

Students take ownership over classroom materials, taking care of the community supplies because it is part of your routine.

You’re able to spend less time on administrative tasks because of the routines and systems you’ve put into place.

You have more time to focus on teaching and being present with students.


Students solve problems for themselves and for one another because you’ve explicitly taught them the skills needed to interact with empathy.

You are a calm and confident guide in your classroom, giving your students the predictable support and routines they need to thrive.

You have systems and routines in place so that you and your students can handle any changes that come your way.

The best news is that hitting the reset button on your classroom doesn’t have to be hard, doesn’t need to take long, and doesn’t require you to go out and spend a bunch of money on new furniture and decor!

You have the framework you need to get all of these systems into place in just one weekend!

Sign me up!


 Classroom Systems Weekend Makeover Mini-Course  

All we need is one weekend to cultivate the simple, efficient, and connected classroom you've been dreaming of!

If I could come into your classroom, I’d help you build your classroom nooks, organize in a way that works for you and your students, and help you create the unique vibe you want to feel coming into your little community every day. Since I can’t actually come to your classroom (I wish!), we’ll walk through the steps together inside this mini-course. It’s quick, binge-able, and easy to implement with the tools and workbook provided inside.

You can have your entire classroom refreshed and ready to go in just 2 days (or less)!

How will we do this?


Figure out what makes your classroom a special place, from your overall vibe to aesthetics and classroom spaces.


Click here to watch a video walk-through of Module 1: Find Your Flow on my Instagram page.


Set up a classroom organization system that works for you when it comes to supplies, and paper flow.


Click here to watch a video walk-through of Module 2: Operation Organization on my Instagram page.


Learn how to nurture relationships with students and families, and build classroom routines that make sense for you and your students.


Click here to watch a walk-through of Module 3: Heart of the Classroom on my Instagram page.

Everything you need to refresh your classroom systems.

You're just one weekend away from the classroom you've been dreaming of – organized, efficient, and calm.

Picture a space where you and your students effortlessly flow between learning experiences, where routines and norms guide every interaction, and where relationships flourish.




  • Find Your Flow Module
  • Operation Organize Module
  • Heart of the Classroom Module
  • Makeover Planning Workbook (PDF)
  • 1 Hour PD Certificate 

Our Schedule

We call this the “Weekend Makeover” because you could easily move through the learning experience in an hour or two and start to implement these systems and routines with just a few hours of setup inside your classroom. 
Of course, you don’t have to do this over a weekend. You could do it during the week or even over vacation! And you might want to go through this work a few different times throughout the school year to be sure you’re always aligned.

Here's how I suggest you work your way through the material:

Prep Work: Find Your Flow 

Get out your classroom planning page!

In this first module, you’ll set your intention for your classroom and start to think about the kind of classroom environment you want to create. This will support us before taking any kind of action with the physical layout and "flow".

We’ll work through this together:

  • Choose your classroom “one-word anchor” 
  • Match the vibe of your classroom to your “one-word anchor”
  • Create your inspiration board
  • Think through functionality of classroom elements
  • Begin to build out classroom nooks with intention

Day 1: Operation Organize


Let's get organized, shall we?

In module two, we will create manageable systems for your supplies and paper flow organization. 

We’ll think through:

  • Easy steps to supplies organization
  • How to organize supplies based on your classroom nooks
  • Controlling the paper madness (how to have a system for everything)
  • How to organize centers and misc. materials

Day 2: Heart of the Classroom


Once we've laid the necessary groundwork with our classroom systems, we can move into considering the relationship-building practices and management systems we will use.

You’ll learn:

  • How to put systems into place for family communication
  • How to regularly (and intentionally) build relationships with students
  • How to build classroom routines that work for you and your students
  • What to consider when it comes to management systems in the classroom

Hi, I'm Andriana!

As the founder of The Heart-Centered Teacher programs, I'm on a mission to empower educators like you to become calm, confident guides in your classroom and find joy in teaching again.

I believe one of the most important parts of being a teacher is creating a classroom that feels like home for you and your students. Fostering a simple, functional, connected classroom environment that feels like home can make all the difference in how you and your students are showing up to learn.

This is exactly why I designed the Classroom Systems Weekend Makeover Mini-Course. It's not about having a Pinterest-worthy physical space or being the most organized teacher in the school.

It's about creating the space you need to find joy in your days and giving your students an environment they can thrive in.

Join me in this journey of transforming your classroom into a simple, effective, and heart-centered space.

Let's create a space that reflects your vision, aligns with your goals, and fosters a sense of joy and fulfillment for both you and your students.

I'm ready!

Don't let another day go by feeling overwhelmed. The Classroom Systems Weekend Makeover is designed to fit into your schedule, whether it's a weekend, a weekday, or even during a vacation. 

You have the flexibility to revisit and fine-tune your systems throughout the school year. 
The Classroom Systems Weekend Makeover is your opportunity to bring simplicity, efficiency, and connection back to your teaching experience! Take the first step in this Heart-Centered work, and in just one weekend, witness the positive ripple effect it creates in your classroom and beyond.

Join me inside, and let's make your dream classroom a reality!

I'm in!